Register Now for the 2019 Women Physicians conference

September 26-28, 2019, at the Lansdowne Resort and Spa in Leesburg, Virginia

Registration for Trainee, Early Career or Repeat Attendee Discount code, please send an email to

Registration Rates:

Early Rate: $799

Early rate in effect February 8 to March 31, 2019.

Regular Rate: $899

Regular rate in effect April 1.

$100 discounts for speakers, early career or repeat attendee—please email to receive discount code to enter prior to payment.

Registration fee includes 14.5 live category 1 CME, breakfast and lunch on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, group dinner on Thursday, conference materials, and beverages/snacks throughout conference.

Cancellations/refunds: 50% of the registration fee will be refunded if a request is made prior to July 31. No refunds will be available beginning August 1, 2019.

Hotel Rates:

Single Hotel Rate: $275+taxes/fees per night for single room

Double Hotel Rate: $400+taxes/fees per night for double room (must list roommate or be interested in sharing a room to choose this option, fee split among two people)

Reservations can be made by clicking HERE. (link also available after registration is completed above)

Optional Activities:

Headshots: includes 15 minute make-up application, photography session and 5 digital images emailed to you after editing ($50), will be scheduled on Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons between 3-5PM, can list day (1st and 2nd) preference but time will be assigned once we have a final number of women signed up

Progressive dinner?—awaiting information and cost

Ropes course: awaiting information and cost